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LayZ Glass Hourglass Mini Tube With Leaves - Yellow Slyme and Slyme

Product Features: Height: 6.875" Joint Size/Angle: 10mm Female 45 Degree Color: Yellow Slyme, Slyme, and Orange Features: Leaf Attachments Diffusion/Perc: 2-Hole Removable Downstem Included in your Combo: 1x LayZ Glass Hourglass Mini...

LayZ Glass Mini Tube With Leaves - Blue Dream

Product Features: Height: 5.375" Joint Size/Angle: 10mm Female 45 Degree Color:  Blue Dream Features:  Diffusion/Perc: 2-Hole Removable Downstem Included in your Combo: 1x LayZ Glass Mini Tube With Leaves -...

LayZ Glass Mini Tube With Leaves - Crippy

Product Features: Height: 5.5" Joint Size/Angle: 10mm Female 45 Degree Color:  Crippy Features:  Diffusion/Perc: 2-Hole Removable Downstem Included in your Combo: 1x LayZ Glass Mini Tube With Leaves - Crippy 1x...

LayZ Glass Mini Tube With Leaves - Serum

Product Features: Height: 5.675" Joint Size/Angle: 10mm Female 45 Degree Color: Serum Features: CFL Shift Diffusion/Perc: 2-Hole Removable Downstem Included in your Combo: 1x LayZ Glass Mini Tube With Leaves -...

Mr. Voorhees Mini Tube - Lime Drop

Product Features: Height: 6" Joint Size/Angle: 10mm Female 45 Degree Color:  Lime Drop Features: Matching Flower Slide Diffusion/Perc: 2 Hole Removable Downstem Included in your Combo: 1x Mr. Voorhees Mini...
$2,799.99 $2,499.99

Suzewits Glass Mini Tube - Linework #1

Product Features: Height: 7" Joint Size/Angle: 10mm Female 45 Degree Color: Blue, Purple, and Green Features: Linework Diffusion/Perc: 2 - Hole Worked Downstem Included in your Combo: 1x Suzewits Glass Mini...

Suzewits Glass Mini Tube - Linework #2

Product Features: Height: 6.5" Joint Size/Angle: 10mm Female 45 Degree Color: Orange, Yellow, Red, Green, and Blue Features: Linework Diffusion/Perc: 2 - Hole Worked Downstem Included in your Combo: 1x...

Suzewits Glass Mini Tube - Linework #3

Product Features: Height: 6.75" Joint Size/Angle: 10mm Female 45 Degree Color: Blue, Green, and Black Features: Linework Diffusion/Perc: 2 - Hole Worked Downstem Included in your Combo: 1x Suzewits Glass Mini...
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